Our Story.

Riverview Barn owners Theresa & Ian Sherwood

Riverview Barn owners Theresa & Ian Sherwood


Our 100-acre facility in Sussex County started as a mid-century dairy farm. It then became a horse training and breeding facility, home to renowned standard-bred racehorses. In the early 2000s, the farm morphed into a horse boarding facility where we boarded our horses. Our engagement photos were captured in the paddocks, on the bridges, and with the horses, and we began to feel very much at home. In 2010 we bought the property and continued as an active horse boarding and training business. We’ve also welcomed home our beloved rescues, including a mini horse, mini donkeys, and ponies, who bring us much joy.

We have conducted equestrian riding events, horse shows, fundraisers, and many family parties throughout the years. In recent years, we have had multiple requests from family, friends, and colleagues to hold festivities on the farm. We imagined an added new dimension for The Black Pegasus at Sherwood Farm. It was the dawn of The RiverView Barn. One of our stables has evolved into the ideal event venue, the perfect stage for your occasion.

Let your imagination run as wild as the horses. Share your rustic fairy tale ideas, and we will explore the possibilities together.

Book your event

We’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.